Fertility & Women’s Health Acupuncture
Fertility is an ever-changing area of medicine, however Traditional Chinese Medicine has worked with fertility for thousands of years. At Aus Acu, we provide truly focused care designed to prepare you for your fertility journey right through pregnancy and labour.
There has never been a better time to visit our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic to discuss your unique fertility journey. In Chinese Hospitals, Acupuncture has been used for hundreds of years to support both men and women through fertility, pregnancy, and labour. Australia is fast catching up.
At our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic, we see patients who wish to prepare for pregnancy, improve their chances of falling pregnant, who may require additional support during an IVF journey, or who are already pregnant and looking to stay as healthy as possible.
As AHPRA registered Acupuncturists, we provide only the highest level of care during our fertility treatments, and we are happy to answer any of your questions during your initial consultation or via email at any time.
For Women’s Health treatments, visit our “Hormone” page here (link) or contact us for further information.
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