Cosmetic Acupuncture Program
8 Treatment Costmetic Acupucnture Program
Our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic is known Australia-wide for our popular Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatments. Clinic director Gregory Dunn-Smith was featured on Channel 9 News, The Today Show, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers for his approach to treating cosmetic (skin) issues using Traditional Acupuncture methods.
Trained by Australia’s leading Cosmetic Acupuncture expert, Dr Vivian Tam (Melbourne), Gregory sees patients suffering from skin conditions including eczema, acne, and more, as well as those looking to improve the quality and appearance of their skin naturally.
Our luxurious and spa-like Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments can be enjoyed on their own or in a package designed for best results. Due to our AHPRA advertising regulations, we are unable to post before/after images or further recommendations here, but please contact our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic for more detailed information on Cosmetic Acupuncture.
When it comes to Cosmetic Acupuncture, trust Aus Acu to deliver the highest quality and most enjoyable Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments available.
For first time patients, please book a
New Patient Consultation & Treatment.